Month: February 2018

Veganism 101- The difference between: Plant-based diet, 100% Plant-based diet, Vegan diet, and Veganism/Being Vegan.

To avoid miscommunications and to better understand where people are at in their vegan consciousness, it is important to understand the difference between a: plant-based diet, 100% plant-based diet, vegan diet, and veganism/being vegan. These are all very different things. A plant-based diet does not mean 100% plants, unless it specifically says 100% plant-based. Plant-based is a term directly out of […]

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Navigating Relationships, Wellness, and Everyday Life as a Vegan Animal Advocate

VeganShift and the Columbus Vegan Meetup are excited to bring you an esteemed champion of unequivocal vegan advocacy! Presented by Dr. Casey Taft- This talk offers tips for advocacy and strategies for communicating with loved ones or others who may be unsupportive or abusive, overcoming other challenges in communication, navigating issues related to dating, masculinity, and sex, and managing trauma […]

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Saving the World with Livestock- the Savory Approach Examined, by Dr. Richard Oppenlander

When you hear followers of Allan Savory suggesting “livestock”  grazing is the solution to climate change, share the following article by Dr. Richard Oppenlander. Note: We have marked livestock in quotes above because we disagree with the cultural norm of speciesist bigotry wherein society refers to sentient individual earthlings as the original form of human monetary exchange or commerce, aka […]

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